Christmas this year was the best yet. Julia was so into opening presents and it didn't matter what was in it she showed pure joy with screams and clapping. She was such a good girl being dragged around to many houses visiting all the family. She slept where ever we put her and it didn't matter how loud we were. Couldn't have asked her to be more perfect!!! She got so many wonderful presents from everyone. Babies are still her favorite at the moment. She loves taking care of them, changing their diapers, feeding them, putting them down for bed. It is so cute. After mass on Christmas morning we talked with our priest, Father Ed. He said that Julia made his Christmas!!! Now how wonderful is hear your priest tell you that your daughter made his Christmas. While we were visiting with him we were talking about Christmas and remembering the true meaning of Christmas and it's
Jesus birthday. Julia was listening to us and she got all excited when we were talking with smiles and trying to tell Father Ed about the baby in
the Nativity scene. It was a wonderful moment.