Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Recap of the first 4 months

The first 4 months of Julia’s life sure did go by so fast. She amazes Scott and me everyday. The first couple of weeks after we brought Julia home were the hardest, very sleepless, and it has gotten easier everyday. Her first smile was at 8 weeks, which was awesome. She was baptized on July 8 at 2 ½ months old. She just loves our priest Father Ed. Every time he talks to her she just looks at him with amazement. Her first laugh was August 1, which made her about 3 ½ months old. She got so excited when I came home from work that she just let out a big laugh. And she first rolled over August 2, also at 3 ½ months old. Now she even amazed herself with that one. She is getting stronger everyday and loves to hold things and play. She is very alert and loves to see what is going on around her and really notices her surroundings. At 4 months she started sleeping in her crib and she didn’t have a problem with it (Mommy did she was sad). The day we decided to put her in her crib I ran out and bought a video monitor. Best thing that we have for her (or should I say me). It just made me feel so much more comfortable with her sleeping in her own room. I could see her anytime I wanted!!!! Julia is getting bigger by the day and we love and adore her so.

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