Thursday, October 18, 2007

6 Months Old

We can't believe that Julia is already 6 months old. She is getting so big and learning new things everyday. She is laughing so much more and really expressing herself. She loves bouncing up and down. We have a Baby Einstein activity bounce center that she really takes off on and when you hold her she is always bouncing up and down. She tells us when she is mad by grunting. She also knows her name!! When she is full she definitely lets us know by pushing the food/bottle away. Found out that even if she is hungry she does not like green beans. It's so adorable when she wants up, she reaches out for you. She loves playing with Mommy and Daddy. And it's so cute when we are all playing with each other how she cuddles in and kinda hides her face.

We have a 6 month well visit coming up this week.

Here are her stats:
Ht: 24 1/2 inches (20th percentile for her age)
Wt: 16 lbs (30th percentile)
Head: 17 inches (70th percentile)

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