Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Julia and Alexander

Julia's friend Alexander and his big sister Brianna stopped over today for a play date. Alex is Mike and Lovonna's son, Mike and Scott have been close friends since Junior High, and Mike was the best man in our wedding. The kids have not seen each other for awhile now and they both have gotten so big. It was so fun to see them interact with each other. Alex is 1 month and 1 day older than Julia. So Alex can do a few more things than she can, he just learned to crawl. And he was crawling all over Julia. When Alex first came over they both were checking each other out and grabbing the other one ears. But it was a true classic moment when Alex found Julia's pacifier and put it in his mouth, she noticed that he had her pacifier and took it right out of his mouth and put it in her own. It was hilarious. I'm glad that we were able to get them together and should do it more often!!!!

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