Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Growing Up Fast

Julia is always on the go from the minute she wakes up to the time she goes to sleep. She NEVER stops!!! So needless to say that it's been hard for me to post. Here are a few things that she has been doing...I'll post pics soon.

Mom and Dad
You would think our little girl would be walking around calling out Mommy and Daddy. But nope our little girl calls us Mom and Dad. Clear as day when she calls us it's Mom, Mom or Dad, Dad. Mostly it's Dad. Especially in the morning. I'm going to have to get it on tape to show Julia when she is older.

Putting things in and out
Keeping Julia busy these days is her taking things in and out of something. She has a purse that she puts things in and out of. She has learned to put her toys back "inside" her toybox. She has also learned to put her dirty diaper in the garbage. She pulls the draws open, takes all the stuff out of it and then closes the drawer. She loves to close doors. She has a little house outside and she loves to close and open that door. It was so funny last night Scott and I were cooking dinner and she was playing. All of a sudden we hear Dad, Dad. She went into her bedroom and closed the door. Scott went and opened the door. She comes walking out and then did the same thing over and over again. Another thing that she enjoys is her stacking cups. She has not stacked them on top of each other yet. But she has gotten the hang of stacking them inside of each other.

Understands everything
It amazes me that she understands so much. Today I gave her a blanket and told her to go put it in her bedroom. She took the blanket and walked to her room and put it inside. I will tell her we can't go outside until you have your shoes on. So she will go and find her shoes and give them to me so I can put them on her. We just talk to her normal (no baby talk), and it just seems to be working out just fine.

Love to hug and kiss
Julia is a GREAT hugger. She will hug you and even sqeeze a little. And she will just come up to you out of the blue and give you kisses. It's awesome.

Hits and Bites
One thing that I'm trying to get her to stop is her hitting and biting. The biting only seems to happen with me and my mother in law. And it seems to be only when she is tired. I just keep enforcing that she has to be nice and when she bites I tell her "no biting" in a very stern voice.

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