Thursday, January 31, 2008

New Things Part 2

Gosh, it's only been a week since my last posting but Julia has learned so many new things.

-Blows kisses
-Makes Indian noises (I showed her how to do this on Friday night and by Sunday she was doing it by herself. I left so proud.)
-She got her 4th tooth. It's another top one.
-She will go to a soft blanket or pillow and lay her head down on it. It's so cute and every time she does it we say "awhh" just because it is so darn cute.
-She is learning the meaning of "no". If I say no to her she will stop what she is grabbing for. Then she will try again and I say no again. I let this happen a couple of times and then redirect her attention to something else.

She learned these things before but I just forgot to add them to the list:
-High five. I put my hand up and she will smack her hand to mine.
-Now this is crazy. Sometimes when we try to put her in her car seat and she does not want to go she arches her back and tried to keep from getting put it. Of course it comes with screaming. But once she is in she is fine.

I know I've said this before but it's true. She is so much fun!!!!


Halen Jace said...

Hey Tania!

I cannot believe that Julia is going to be ONE soon! Wow how time flies huh? I love reading about her. It reminds me of Halen's most recent past milestones. I just love watching him grow. Isn't it just amazing?!!!

Dawn said...

Nothing new in Feb?

Don't miss March, LOL : )