Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Multiple Postings for Julia.....finally!!!!

It's been over a month since my last posting. Things have been so busy that I just have not had the time to post, plus a few….well a lot of computer problems have not helped. So this is going to be a long one with multiple entries........ enjoy (especially Jennifer and Kelley, hee hee).

Super Bowl
Julia had a great Super Bowl. My sister and her fiancé put on a great party!!! And we also stopped at Aunt Debbie's and Uncle Fred's for a bit on the way home since it's so close. Julia won her first square, $25!!! It will go right into her bank. Way to go Julia.

Julia's First Sled Ride
This winter we have really been hit with snow and cold temperatures. But I knew I wanted to get Julia outside and take her for a sled ride. Being in the house all the time you think of creative things to do. So one night Julia and I were bored. I had an empty diaper box and for some reason I thought about pulling her around the house in it. Well, she absolutely had so much fun. She was laughing and smiling. The faster I pulled her the harder she laughed. So I knew a sled ride was a must this winter!!! We did get her out and she loved it. She laughed and just enjoyed being outside (she has always loved it outside, when she was really little she would cry and cry, take her outside and instantly stop). Scott also had her make a baby snow angel, and had her crawling in the snow. Here are a few pics from that day:

Valentine's Day
Valentine's day is a special day for us. Not that we go all out with gifts or anything. It's very special to Scott and I because it was the day Scott proposed to me....4 years ago. We got Julia a really big bear and she just hugs and kisses it. In a previous post I said how we say awhh and she lays her head on a blanket or pillow. She does that with the bear. It's so hard not to say awhhh. So now when we want her to do it we tell her, "Julia do awhhhh", and she does it!!! But really how cute is she......

First trip away from home
We finally took Julia to Aunt Lisa and Uncle Donnie's cabin in Grayling. Not that the drive up there or back was good (Julia was a complete angel along with her cousins Gabe and Gena, just car problems - yes car problems on a vehicle 1 1/2 old). But anyway... We went up there with Lisa, Donnie and of course Major and Leta. Frankie, Gabe, Gena, and Scott's friend Mike. She had so much fun with everyone there. She is such a people person. When we first got there we showed her all of the deer heads on the walls. At first she was unsure but got used to it very quickly. When you told her to go say hi to the deer she would crawl right over to them and just wave. Now this is amazing to me. Lisa was helping Julia walk around the cabin and she took her pacifier and put it in her little pocket. She showed her that she put it in her pocket and then kept walking around. A bit later she asked Julia "where is your paci". And Julia went right into her pocket and pulled it out. The rest of the trip if you asked her where her paci was she went right for her pocket......even when there was no pocket she still thought about it (she would reach for her side and check to see if the pocket and the paci were there and always checking on her left side where the pocket was). She has been saying ma ma a lot lately but I know now that she knows that I'm Ma Ma. I was washing dishes or something and Julia was on Gabe's lap. She kept saying ma ma ma ma. Then finally she said MA MA, and was looking at me. She wanted my attention. So of course I went to her and gave her a big hug and kiss. What a moment that was!!!! This trip really made me realize how much this baby understands. It amazes me.

Other Milestones
She has mastered the whole indian thing, waves by herself when she wants to say hi or bye to someone, loves to cuddle. She will be playing and just comes over to you and just gives a big hug and kiss then goes back to playing. I LOVE that!!! She eats crackers, all different kinds of fruit, pasta, pastina. She laughs and giggles all the time. I think she knows she is funny. She makes funny faces or makes a funny noise and she laughs and smiles while she is doing this. She makes this great funny faces where she takes her bottom lip and keeps smacking it above her top lip….so funny. She also makes a faces which we call her mad face, where she crinkles up her nose…this one is hilarious. When you tell her to make her funny or mad faces she does. She dances all the time! All of a sudden one day she just started dancing. She just rocks back and forth when ever she hears music or when you sing to her. So cute!!! She has also learned how to climb up stairs unassisted. She started to do a few steps at Rob and Kristi’s Super Bowl party. But she did a full set of stairs at my MIL house where Scott just followed behind her.

Julia is walking at 10 Months!!!!
Tuesday February 26 is the official day that Julia started walking. For the past month she has been taking 4-6 steps here and there. But this Tuesday she was just walking all over. Her socks got dirty so I took them off and since it was almost time for bed I just didn't put any back on. Well, she must have really felt comfortable without those socks because that's when she just took off. So awesome that I got it on tape too!!! She looks so funny because she is so little. She gets so excited about walking. Watch out Tigger!!! We went to Stride Rite and got her a good pair of shoes now that she is walking all over the places.

Our little angel makes Scott and I so happy. She makes us laugh all the time and we are soooo lucky to have her in our lives!!!!

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