Friday, April 4, 2008

Let's Catch Up

I've been having more problems with my computer downloading my photos. I just took my camera to Meijer's and had them downloaded onto a CD. Not sure if I had to many pics on my camera to download (over 300) or just that my computer is getting old and needs to be cleaned out. Anyway, we have been very busy with Julia. She gets into EVERYTHING. She is walking so good now and does not crawl at all. I miss the crawling! Well, I can't hold her back from growing up. She has such a personality and is so fun to be around, its additive. She is so social, loves people and people love her. Whenever we go out (which is almost everyday) and she sees people she is always waving at them with a great big smile. She gets quite the reaction out of people too. Everyone always stops and waves back, says hi, and compliments on how cute she is. She always gets so many compliments. And she sucks it up.

For St. Patrick's day we played dress up with all of the green I had saved over the years. I had hats, bows, tons of beads, noise makers. She had a ball dresses up with did it a couple of times.

We visited the Easter Bunny at Macomb Mall. The line was not to bad but since we got there at 11 and the Easter Bunny did not arrive until 11 there was a little back up. When we first put Julia on the Easter Bunny's lap she just looked and him and didn't seem to mind. Then after a few minutes she started to cry. We got a very cute pic, but no smiles.

We all had a great Easter, Julia's first. We started the day over Scott's parents house with all of his brothers and sister and all the kids. Then we headed to my parents house where we had my sister and brother-in-law to be, along with my cousin Paolo and Sherene and Lucy and Dante. We had a fabulous dinner!!! Julia got to enjoy some too!! She had cannelloni, soup, peas and a little bit of whip cream.

I jinked us. I was saying the other day that I think we are going to make it to Julia's first birthday without her getting sick, then I knocked on wood. Well, needless to say she ended up with a cold. Her poor little nose was runny and she had a little cough. After that was over about a week later she ended up with a fever. That morning she tossed up some of her breakfast. I really didn't think much of it, babies do that. Then we went to my parents house and right when we were going to leave my Mom said to check her temperature when we got home because she felt warm. We got home and I checked her temp., 99. Not to bad but a little high. I gave her a little Motrin. Then when I was putting her down for bed and giving her a bottle. She ended up pooping (yeah I know you really want to hear this right), so I changed her and sat back down in the chair to finish. Then all of a sudden she threw up, poor baby all over herself and me. So Scott came in and helped clean her up. She ended up sleeping through the night. The next day her temp. was up to 103 at one point. But it came down with the Motrin. She was not a happy girl that day. The next day she seemed better, no temp. I just hated to see her sick. Scott just wanted to suck all the bad out of her (don't you wish we could do that)!!!
Baby Sign Language
Julia started using her baby signs. The first sign she used was "all done". Which she uses all of the time. She tells me she is all done with eating, with changing her diaper and any other situation that she is finished with. It's hilarious. She has also used the sign for milk and more!!! It's so cool to see her using the signs. Its a great was for her to communicate without getting frustrated.

So our niece Gena has these Hannah Montana wigs, a blonde one and a brunette one. My MIL ended up putting them on Julia to see what she would look like with hair. It is the funniest thing. And once you put the wigs on her she doesn't seem to mind to much. Her are the pics of Julia with blonde hair and brunette hair.

We entered Julia in a contest to be on the cover of a magazine. Over 1000 kids entered the contest. I don't know what the results are. We had such a fun time doing it. It was at Oakland Mall and we had to go on stage with about 10 other kids. Someone came around and the kids said their name and their age. Obviously I spoke for Julia. Everyone was supposed to dress casual. The judges are supposed to base the contest on the kids personality, but I don't know how they could do this because they were not even listening to the kids. They are also supposed to judge on a photographer that was taken after the interview. Here is a commemorative photo that was taken (this is not the photo she is/was judged on).


Caught in the act

Playing in the kitchen

She is not always happy

Playing with Alexander

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